The quality of this video is very low to allow the uploading onto my blog. Please utilise the link below to view the prezi deveopled for this session in high quality.
Personal evaluation and reflection of presentation
The method chosen for distance students to complete the assessment two item I found was very effective. I was able to research and develop a prezi on my chosen topic of Critical Thinking - useful or useless.My occupation (Queensland Ambulance Service Educator for Rockhampton Region) allowed me to present this session to a group of volunteered collegues. All of my students are adult learner's, as such my prezi is targeted at this group.
Reflecting on the process
I found that the method of developing a presentation on critical thinking allowed me to further develop my understansing. I undertook exactly the same research methodology as if I was completing a written assignment.It suited my professional and personal circumstances as it was less time consuming and I have a ready made audience to present to in my workplace. I feel the learning outcomes were actually better for me using this two step methon. Step 1, research ensuring the use of higher orders of thinking and step 2, present this to a group.
It allowed me to reinforce my learnings of the topic I had researched. Normally the only feedback for assesment tasks is from the assessors notes following the marking guide. This process allowed my own critical analysis and feedback from my collegues immediately to further imrpove my learning outcome for the topic.
Reflecting on the product
I chose to develop a prezi as the medium to present my topic of critical thinking. I modelled the steps in the prezi on the higher orders of thinking using Blooms Taxonmy (revised) to ensure I was actually on track. Each aspect of the prezi that has quotes or material that is not my own I have referenced it directly on the page to allow for appropriate recognition for the original authors of material.Fortunately I was able to present the prezi to a group of collegues in my workplace and digitally record this. The presentation was well recieved by the group. They said the prezi was a new and interesting tool and the content was informative.
The opportunity to present the session was a valuable learning apportuntiy that I was lucky and thankful to have been able to complete.