Monday, 23 July 2012

Week 4 and Voki

My first Voki...

Voki was simple to set up and the text to voice was effective and easy to understand.  The feature of embedding the Voki on my blog has been unsuccessful on many attempts, so that feature I would suggest is not so user friendly.  

The application of this system of animation v's direct web casting of myself would be of no use in my professional setting.  Adult students in my organisation have an expectation to see the officer providing the educational session in person or an actual video of the session uploaded onto a site that is readily accessible.  In professional occupations I can not see a place for voki replacing the actual lecturer.

I can see the benefits for in school students but feel that its place is limited an the adult professional education sector that I work in.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Week 3 and Weebly

I have created my website for this course.  It was actually a very easy experience.  I was prepared for it to take hours and be very difficult.  Pleasantly surprised to say the least.  Thanks Weebly!!

There really is not a lot on there at present but I can certainly see the potential, both for and against as I work for the State Government and am bound by a variety of codes of conduct and other policies and procedures.

Weebly was very easy to use and the step by step set up instructions were simple to follow.  The use of a website would be vast in my position of educator to hundreds of paramedics all regionally and remotely based.  The paramedics would be able to follow the site and use items and links on the site for educational services.

Also had a go at Wordle and created the following page for my students

I look forward to adding to the website and to my blog.

Until next time, regards....

I have just found my departments own blog and wiki site, they can be accessed here this is amazing to me as it has never even been published or discussed with staff so this site is just being wasted!!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Wiki phone blog

The mobile phone wiki connected site was interesting for me on a number of levels. I am older, less connected, a bit set in my ways, less receptive to change and not as willing to make allowances for new ideas (just a bit of back ground), that's just to name a few short comings. At least I recognise them. I wasn't the first to add some input and it was interesting to read others comments first and take note of them.

The learning theories for discussion are ones that I feel I did subconsciously, especially behaviourism? I was very measured and controlled in my response, I did not comment on others opinions or statements. Normally I would in a face to face situation. The conversation was constructive with relevant opinions and modern ideas put forward. The wiki tool, scaffolded the way it was, allowed for connectivity for a student like myself (narrow minded, older, working full time, 3 kids, etc) with other students from my home. Further I would never have had the opportunity to see others ideas and opinions on this topic to assist me in opening my eyes to other possibilities and ways for utilising technology.

The possibilities for use in my field of education are enormous. In my role I provide education for staff from Agnes Water to Proserpine west to Winton and everywhere in between. The ability for staff to view, contribute and discuss multiple topics using this tool would be fantastic.

The mobile phone wiki utilising debono's hats for analysis can be found with my input in green.

Week 2 Engaging with learning materials

Well, I have just spent 3hrs trying to copy the productive pedagogies tool that I completed to my blog.  Actually I tried to copy it anywhere but as you can see, not successfully.  I completed the tool using the example of 'how to start a motorcycle' (battery start). I broke it down into 6 steps and went through and linked them to the productive pedagogies with my limited understanding.  Still disappointed I could not copy it to my blog!!

I really enjoyed reading through the Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge link provided.  Without even knowing, I have been designing lessons and investing in development of staff as described in the reading.  

TPACK, T - Technological/Technology, items from the simple whiteboard to simulation manikins; P - Pedagogical, the teaching style or delivery technique best suited to attain the desired outcome; A - and; C - Content, the information to be delivered/learnt; K - Knowledge, the teachers knowledge of the components.  The TPACK concept describes a standard or level for teacher knowledge that is inclusive of these components.  Each component is a stand alone piece of a puzzle, without one or the other the puzzle is incomplete and the learner will be shortchanged and miss out on the entire picture.  The concept is primarily about the inclusion and importance of technology and teacher knowledge of its use/place.  Formerly pedagogy and content were the only components that rated mention.  Technological advancement specific to the area of education has highlighted the importance and need for its inclusion in the standard of teacher knowledge.

Below is a picture one of the many forms of technology I use during the delivery of educational sessions to staff.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Posting photos

Just trying to work all this blogger stuff out, my job before going into education with QAS.

My first blog, ever!!

This is my first ever blog, I have never heard of blogging before this!!!  I think I am gong to struggle with the course for sure.