Wednesday, 19 September 2012

PoUL Assessment 2 Critical Thinking

The quality of this video is very low to allow the uploading onto my blog.  Please utilise the link below to view the prezi deveopled for this session in high quality.

Personal evaluation and reflection of presentation

The method chosen for distance students to complete the assessment two item I found was very effective.  I was able to research and develop a prezi on my chosen topic of Critical Thinking - useful or useless.

My occupation (Queensland Ambulance Service Educator for Rockhampton Region) allowed me to present this session to a group of volunteered collegues.  All of my students are adult learner's, as such my prezi is targeted at this group.

Reflecting on the process

I found that the method of developing a presentation on critical thinking allowed me to further develop my understansing.  I undertook exactly the same research methodology as if I was completing a written assignment.

It suited my professional and personal circumstances as it was less time consuming and I have a ready made audience to present to in my workplace.  I feel the learning outcomes were actually better for me using this two step methon.  Step 1, research ensuring the use of higher orders of thinking and step 2, present this to a group. 

It allowed me to reinforce my learnings of the topic I had researched.  Normally the only feedback for assesment tasks is from the assessors notes following the marking guide.  This process allowed my own critical analysis and feedback from my collegues immediately to further imrpove my learning outcome for the topic.

Reflecting on the product

I chose to develop a prezi as the medium to present my topic of critical thinking.  I modelled the steps in the prezi on the higher orders of thinking using Blooms Taxonmy (revised) to ensure I was actually on track.  Each aspect of the prezi that has quotes or material that is not my own I have referenced it directly on the page to allow for appropriate recognition for the original authors of material.

Fortunately I was able to present the prezi to a group of collegues in my workplace and digitally record this.  The presentation was well recieved by the group.  They said the prezi was a new and interesting tool and the content was informative. 

The opportunity to present the session was a valuable learning apportuntiy that I was lucky and thankful to have been able to complete.



Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Assessment 2 Reflective synopsis

As you can see from my original post in my wiki I thought I knew after just a couple of weeks what e-learning was all about and the role of wiki and other web 2.0 sites.  How wrong was I, very.  Following my participation in the mobile phone wiki and searching through other students blogs and some personal reflection I realised that I had it all wrong.  The wiki activity utilising de bonos hats for analysis of my thoughts, opinions and understanding of the use of mobile phones in the classroom was the trigger.  I did not even consider their capacity to act as a tool to assist in the students learning. Nor did I understand that from the perspective of a younger than me student that has always been 'connected' to have this removed/restricted/under utilised or not utilised may well see them zoning out prior to a word being said.  My opinions, as you can see in green text and later in my blog, were very naive and closed to this new world of e-learning and web 2.0 tools.  My higher order thinking was non existent, I was dwelling in the past.  This was evident when my understanding improved with the introduction to Blooms taxonomy and more over the revised version.  I was lumbering in the lower levels of thinking with limited if any critical analysis, evaluation and certainly no creativity.  I am very appreciative that the theories of learning are contained in the first few weeks of the course material as this is my first course in university, ever.  My progress towards higher order thinking has begun.

Wiki and wiki activity

As was the case for the majority of the web 2.0 tools explored in this course to date, wiki was new to me.  My knowledge of wiki was Wikipedia and thanks to Julian Assange, Wikileaks.  My understanding was very limited, I had no idea that others could add/edit others pages and that it is basically a melting pot of higher order thinking, in most cases any way.  I created my own wiki and have only added some minor thoughts and self reflection.  It is easy however to see the potential of wiki as an educational tool.  A scaffolded, moderated and topic specific wiki for students to discuss and develop their higher order thinking is boundless.  It can connect students from anywhere in the world, or in my case the entire Central Queensland Ambulance community.  It has the ability to embed almost any forms of media and in this digital age coupled with the expectations of connected students this is absolutely necessary.  The specifics of students that I provide educational sessions and material to are all adult learners employed by the Queensland Ambulance Service.  The service utilises a managed operating environment for all computer based online and offline activities.  There are many automated  blocking descriptors that prevent access to many web sites and further to this may allow access to the site but prevent the ability to edit, this is the case for wiki and blogger.  This will limit the ability to use these sites effectively for staff on station during work time only.  As employees of the service there are also very specific and stringent internet policies and procedures to adhere too, these ensure compliance with government policy and community expectations.  The factors of adult students and departmental policy provide an increased level of assurance/compliance when analysing working legally, safely and ethically.  There would still be a requirement to familiarise students with the requirement to provide referencing and attribution when and where it is required.  I plan to use my wiki site to provide a single location for a variety of topics starting with the latest update for clinical practice for paramedics as shown on the embedded video on  my blog for the sedation assessment tool.

Blogs and blogging

Blogging, primarily reflective blogging has been a very strong learning experience for me.  It is good to be able to go back to the bottom of the posts and see my development from lower order thinking to my development through understanding to higher order thinking.  My blog posts have developed from containing simple text to pictures, music, video, charts, SWOT analysis but more importantly it has assisted in development from lower level thinking to higher order thinking.  Now I am certainly not saying that blogs and blogging will develop higher order thinking, some of the blogs I have seen will do the opposite, it was the content and context of the blogging that has lead to my development and this is continuing to produce this result for me personally.  The blog itself has a very user friendly aspect to it, allowing frequent posts and editing of previous posts (just not from my work computer).  The ability to embed many forms of media and links allow diversity of content and full utilisation of the technology available to assist with learning and varying pedagogy.  As another web 2.0 tool it affords itself to social connectivism and collectivism.  With these fundamentals in place and once again ensuring a moderated and scaffolded structure for its use in a learning/educational environment for adult employees it has solid credentials for use.  I would like to use a blog as a site for information dissemination similar to the widely unknown emergency service blog.  There is also a place for students to have blogs to display their own personal learning journey, maybe exactly like CQUniversity has set up this course for instance, where the lecturer/educator access, (a bit obvious really wasn't it).  There are the issues once again for blog editing as discussed in the wiki and wiki activity section of this blog for my students.  As a tool to produce an educational or learning environment, the scaffolded and moderated blog has a large part to play for both the students development and the educators ability to assess the students development.

Weebly Website

Websites or web 1.0 definitely has a large part to play in the modern learning environment for the provision of quality education.  As a long term employee (see about me at link) of the Queensland Ambulance Service I have witnessed the evolution of the ambulance website and department portal. Now the ambulance has recently developed and published a website dedicated to clinical practice.  This is a far more modern website developed utilising a wide variety of digital media tools like video and even a downloadable app for smart phones that outlines approved clinical practice.  I have created a weebly web site for the purposes of the course, it has very little content but I can see the potential and ease of website development.  I discussed my weebly experience on my blog at a very low order thinking level.  I have intentionally left my original posting as it helps me recognise my development with progression towards higher order thinking.  The web based 1.0 sites in an educational learning environment where in my situation staff are spread over a massive geographical location is essential.  The publishing rights, therefore editing of dedicated professional sites (with regard to the sites I have mentioned) provide assurance of their legitimacy, expert content, legality, safety and ethics.  Sites that have the domain suffix of edu, org, gov also fit into the mentioned professional category.  Web sites allow for the dissemination of information to people across an organisation or the world.  Access can be restricted to the site by the editor affording some copyright ability.  Web sites are being used widely in paramedic education and their continued use is essential for clinical governance and performance.

Digital Video

Whether it is live streamed video into a classroom or embedded video of an educational session on a web site the importance to visual/practical learners is immense.  In my experience the vast majority of ambulance employees are learners of the visual/practical persuasion.  I have conducted a SWOT critical analysis on digital video to identify its practical use in paramedic education and posted the table in my blog.  The use of live streamed video in my experience has been of great importance.  As a Flight intensive care paramedic I have been sent to hospitals with no Doctors to retrieve patients that are critically ill.  Most of these hospitals have the ability to live stream video and audio in and out.  This enables direct contact with senior Physicians in Brisbane to assist in the assessment of these patients and develop management plans prior to retrieval, lifesaving to say the least in some situations.  In terms of education the ambulance has embraced for some time now the embedding of digital videos into the departments portal for viewing across the state.  This allows for consistency, equity, efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery educational and clinical updates.  Targeting visual learners with pedagogy based around digital video and readily accessible in their workplace is essential in such a large geographical area.  The process to ensure learning outcomes for the paramedics are achieved still requires some sort of assessment, at present, this portion is lacking in some areas of education that are using digital video as a means for the provision of learning material.

Prezi the zooming presentation tool

Prezi was new to me until around 3 months ago when I went to a conference and one of the presenters used this tool.  Wow, it really opened my eyes and I was absorbed in the lecture.  I know now that the presenter could have used a stone and slate, he had it all going for him, highly experienced, well traveled, commitment to life long learning the list goes on and on, slight lecturer envy, yes.  It is now obvious he understood and utilised the TPACK framework.  Why is all that relevant, well it started my interest in modern ways to keep students focused during long didactic lectures (they are necessary sometimes) and I saw prezi as the tool I could incorporate into my pedagogy (I didn't know what pedagogy was back then, the presenter also provided me with the kick in the pants to get started with my own learning journey).  I developed a prezi on pain management to assist in the delivery of a massive amount of theory to second year student paramedics, the feedback I have received for this prezi has been positive to date.  I have posted on my blog a SWOT critical analysis of the prezi tool for its use as an educational delivery format in an ambulance environment.  The ambulance service has a constant need for the utilisation of a delivery format like the prezi zooming presentation tool.  There are three to six monthly clinical updates that are required for presentation to staff as well as other management related performance presentations every six months that could utilise prezi instead of the usual 200+ power point slide show.  The important point to remember is that prezi like any presentation tool will become just like the 'death by power point' we have all suffered if the lecturer does not follow the TPACK framework.

The utilisation of the TPACK framework in conjunction with higher order thinking are essential components in the makeup of a modern well rounded educator.  The tools at the disposal of an educator is overwhelming, there is an app, blog, wiki and web site for everything and everyone claims to be an expert.  Its our ability, through our own knowledge, to wade through this information to provide the best possible learning environment for students to obtain results.  The lights are finally coming on so to speak.  They were definitely dim prior, they are not shining brightly yet either, I at least now recognise I have a life of learning ahead of me, the best part is I look forward to it.  It is a steep learning curve but I feel I am finally on my way.

Digital Photos to music

I created this video using photos from a holiday to Thailand.  Love that country!!

The windows movie maker program is very easy to use.  It allows for digital video and still photos to be used and then music or direct voice to be inserted as an overlay.  As many items as you can find can be all mashed together. The song I have put the photos to is by Birds of Tokyo Plans that I purchased through iTunes.  The system has many uses in the field of education, educational training sessions can be recorded and edited for uploading onto a website for staff to view at their leisure.  The video and music combination can be manipulated to decrease the file size for ease of uploading to the web.  The quality is only reduced slightly.  The video is only 765kb v's in standard format.

The QAS has embraced digital video recordings and regularly for upload onto the services portal page.  This enables equal access to the latest information to all of our paramedics no matter where they reside/work.  The QAS learning management system is totally web based and linked to the officers educational status and serves a a one stop shop for e-courses and the video recordings.  The video below is one of the latest clinical updates from the QAS Medical Directors Office.

Digital Video

Here is a video from a recent training and development activity with QPWS Officers and QAS.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Prezi the zooming presentation tool

I am certainly a beginner when it comes to using Prezi but have been impressed with its ease of use and range of features.  Below is a SWOT analysis of the Prezi tool and also a copy of a recent session I have used it for at work.  I have used the free downloadable template from the Business Balls website to complete the SWOT.

The prezi linked is for QAS Pain Management Options and is presented to second year student paramedics.

In my experience prezi has been well received by the students that I have presented this session too.  There is a combination of factors that contribute to prezi being more popular at the moment than the traditional Power Point presentations that are excessively used in education within QAS.  The format of prezi lends itself to the e-learning environment more readily as its cloud based and readily portable with no requirement for the purchase of specialised software.  Items of relevance can be easily embedded into a prezi direct from sources with no need to download them to personal hardware.  The prezi system has direct links to sites like youtube for ease of use when wanting to embed videos.  Students can have instant access to the presentation with no need for the lecturer to provide notes, printouts or anything other than the link.  It must still be used wisely as students will still become bored if the presenter leans too heavily on the tool rather than the delivery and information.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Week 4 and Voki

My first Voki...

Voki was simple to set up and the text to voice was effective and easy to understand.  The feature of embedding the Voki on my blog has been unsuccessful on many attempts, so that feature I would suggest is not so user friendly.  

The application of this system of animation v's direct web casting of myself would be of no use in my professional setting.  Adult students in my organisation have an expectation to see the officer providing the educational session in person or an actual video of the session uploaded onto a site that is readily accessible.  In professional occupations I can not see a place for voki replacing the actual lecturer.

I can see the benefits for in school students but feel that its place is limited an the adult professional education sector that I work in.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Week 3 and Weebly

I have created my website for this course.  It was actually a very easy experience.  I was prepared for it to take hours and be very difficult.  Pleasantly surprised to say the least.  Thanks Weebly!!

There really is not a lot on there at present but I can certainly see the potential, both for and against as I work for the State Government and am bound by a variety of codes of conduct and other policies and procedures.

Weebly was very easy to use and the step by step set up instructions were simple to follow.  The use of a website would be vast in my position of educator to hundreds of paramedics all regionally and remotely based.  The paramedics would be able to follow the site and use items and links on the site for educational services.

Also had a go at Wordle and created the following page for my students

I look forward to adding to the website and to my blog.

Until next time, regards....

I have just found my departments own blog and wiki site, they can be accessed here this is amazing to me as it has never even been published or discussed with staff so this site is just being wasted!!